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Jane is a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists. (FHT check out their website) She qualified as a clinical Aromatherapist in 1996 with the International Federation of Aromatherapists. She also holds diplomas in Reflexology (IFR), Remedial and Deep Tissue Massage (ITEC) and Thermal Hot Stone Therapy. Over the last 24 years Jane has gained vast experience in preventative health, spending many of these working in NHS Clinics and GP's surgeries before helping to form the clinic with her fellow practitioners.

Jane Cooper - IFA Dip ITEC IFR Dip MFHT

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Stones Massage

My Experience

 You will experience a relaxing and restorative treatment that aims to correct any imbalances of the body, leaving you feeling refreshed and re-energised. The treatments are tailored to your individual needs and may include deep tissue massage, reflexology, pressure points, lymphatic drainage or thermal hot stones. More recently Jane has added to her knowledge with Injury Prevention Massage, Advanced Reflexology Training (A.R.T. Seminar) and Ayurvedic Face Lift Massage. Feel free to come and discuss your personalised requirements in a friendly and caring environment 

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